The Neuroscience Of … Marketing
This blog is dedicated to exploring the intersection of neuroscience and marketing, and to demystifying brain-based insights for marketing practioners. The specific topics of these articles vary widely, and revolve around themes of consumer psychology, experiential marketing, & brand strategy.
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How Luxury Brands Can Harness Their Market-Driving Influence
Luxury brands need to embrace their tastemaker status
The Power of User-Generated Content for Consumer Trust and Brand Loyalty
Who better to the tell the brand’s story than their most loyal consumers?
Harnessing The Psychology of Nostalgia Marketing for Technology Brands
Conjuring up the warm memory of technology’s joy
How Brand Communities Create Loyalty and Shared Consumer Identity
For brands, there’s power in numbers
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Experiential Marketing
AR and VR can directly craft a consumer’s experience
Positive Ambiguity: Marketing Psychology Lessons from The Berghain Bouncer
What can this man teach us about embracing ambiguity in marketing?
How The Sense of Touch and Texture Influence Consumer Psychology
The future of marketing is at our finger tips
The Psychology and Neuroscience of The Consumer-Brand Relationship
Research into the dynamic between consumers and brands
Harnessing the Power of User-Generated Content (UGC) in Modern Marketing
UGC can be the bond between the brand, their consumers, and the broader communituy
Sensory Branding and Experiential Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality is all about the senses. Sensory branding shows us how
How to Use Nostalgia Marketing to Influence Consumer Psychology and Drive Brand Loyalty
Nostalgia marketing inspires feelings of warmth and familiarity
The Benefits and Risks of Hyper-Localization for Marketing
How can consumers always shop local? Hyper-localization
How Creative Brands Inspire Empathy with the Future of Humanity
How can brands inspire empathy for future generations?
How Empathy for your Future Self Improves your Consumer Behavior
We see our future self as a distant stranger. How can we better empathize with the future?
The Hipster Effect: Lessons in Brand Differentiation from The Neuroscience of Hipsters
What can hipsters teach us about branding?
How Brands Create Shared Consumer Experiences and Social Cohesion
A little social cohesion can go a long way. Brands can help foster it
What Social Media and The Decline of Retail Means for Shared Consumer Experiences
No two social media experiences are alike. Coupled with the decline of The American Mall, what does this mean for shared consumer experiences?
How Branding Influences American Consumer Culture
Americans lack social cohesion. Can brands be the ones to bring American consumers together?