The Neuroscience Of … Marketing
This blog is dedicated to exploring the intersection of neuroscience and marketing, and to demystifying brain-based insights for marketing practioners. The specific topics of these articles vary widely, and revolve around themes of consumer psychology, experiential marketing, & brand strategy.
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The Psychology and Neuroscience of The Consumer-Brand Relationship
Research into the dynamic between consumers and brands
How Creative Brands Inspire Empathy with the Future of Humanity
How can brands inspire empathy for future generations?
How Empathy for your Future Self Improves your Consumer Behavior
We see our future self as a distant stranger. How can we better empathize with the future?
How Consumer Behavior is Shaped by Intrinsic Motivation
Motivation impacts our consumer behavior, but not the way we think
Empathy, Technology, and Social Media with Kaitlin Ugolik Phillips
What’s the future of technology and social media?
Ethics, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence, with Fiona McEvoy
How should we think about AI, from an ethics standpoint?
What is Doom Tourism? A Consumer Psychology Perspective
When an environment is threatened, we only want to visit it more
The Surprising Consumer Psychology of Product Names
Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Consumer psychology says no