The Neuroscience Of … Marketing
This blog is dedicated to exploring the intersection of neuroscience and marketing, and to demystifying brain-based insights for marketing practioners. The specific topics of these articles vary widely, and revolve around themes of consumer psychology, experiential marketing, & brand strategy.
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Marketing Lessons from KitKit Bar on The Psychology of Co-Creation
How did KitKat go from sluggish sales to a national treat in Japan? Co-creation
To Sell Sustainable Products, Go Beyond Sustainability Marketing
Green products often need marketing solutions of other colors
How to Decide if you’re a Quality Brand or a Value Brand
Either is fine, but brands must pick a side
What Slutty Vegan Teaches Us About Effective Moral Marketing
The success of slutty vegan provides a very different path for morally-minded brands
Morality has a Branding Problem: The Tragedy of Vegan Meat Brands
Branding and morality should never mix. Just ask the fake meat industry
What is Branding Psychology?
Branding psychology bridges the gap between the corporation and the consumer
How Powerful Brands Create Demand, Add Functional Value, and Drive Markets
How can you run your marketing on easy mode? It’s called have a powerful brand
Branding that Thrives in an Era of Digital Platform Risk
Modern brands are facing intense platform risk, and only the strong survive
How Airline Safety Videos Grab Attention and Create Brand Identity
What started as a requirement, has become a path to brand differentiation
What is a Brand? Defining The Internal Brand v. The External Brand
What is a brand? There is no single definition